SDGs Initiatives





We are working to solve social issues through our business to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Creating pleasant and comfortable working environment

We are committed to work on diversity management, believing that the company will be able to grow sustainably if each employee is willing to demonstrate their abilities regardless of age, gender, nationality, etc.

We conduct health checkups regularly and create a safe and secure work environment where people can be healthy in not only mentally but also physically


We have established an education and training leave system from 2018 so that employees can voluntarily receive education, training and various certifications.



In order to help our employees to realize their full potential and create a sense of fulfillment in their work, we treat regular employees and non-regular employees (contract employees and part-time employees) equally and create a workplace where women can work comfortably.

Sexual harassment, power harassment, and harassment when taking childcare or nursing care leave are also prohibited.


We are making efforts to harmonize work and life. In 2021, we made internal improvement to enable employees to balance work with childcare and nursing care.

Report on the Results of Initiatives